Treating Emotional Trauma - The Complete Course (12 CEU's)

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Treating Emotional Trauma - The Complete Course (12 CEU's)


Emotional trauma can upset the harmony of the body and reduce the body's ability to heal and regulate itself. Once the traumas are identified and treated, the body will function at an optimum level and will respond to treatments for other conditions present.

CT Holman discusses integrated diagnostic methods (facial diagnosis, channel palpation, pulse, and tongue diagnosis) to differentiate the effects of trauma and presents a three staged treatment approach to resolve emotional trauma. He describes specific acupuncture protocols, Chinese herbal formulas, and qigong forms to effectively transform trauma, including inherited trauma. CT will examine case studies and present several demonstration videos.

Course Goals:

Participants will acquire a detailed understanding of emotional trauma etiology and become proficient in the multiple diagnostic methods to successfully identify how trauma has affected an individual. They will obtain the skills to effectively treat emotional trauma with the multiple modalities of Chinese medicine and be well versed in self-care techniques to transform past trauma and prevent the impact of future trauma.

For the first time in a recorded course, I will include:

1. Information about various sensory issues related to trauma: hearing issues, visual loss or hallucinations, olfactory deficiency, speech problems and food craving issues.

2. Several demonstration videos: needling, cupping, point location, bloodletting.

3. Extensive information about preventing the impact of future trauma and several lifestyle, dietary and other recommendations.

4. Shamanic qigong practices, including the healing sounds for each organ system.

5. Drumming for healing, including rhythms for organ systems.

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For NCCAOM and/or California CEUs. Complete the Quiz and Evaluation found in the Dropbox folder and send them to

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