The Five Spirit Animals of Chinese Shamanism. (9.5 CEU's)

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The Five Spirit Animals of Chinese Shamanism. (9.5 CEU's)


With a growing global acceptance of the mystery of life, people are seeking ways to heal on the soul/spirit level. Chinese shamanism offers powerful transformational tools with which to address physical and emotional imbalances.

In this dynamic, practical, and grounded two-day course, experience the magic of the spirit animals associated with the five directions and how they can be used in drumming, diagnosis, and treatment. CT Holman explains how to incorporate this Chinese shamanic-based symbolism into classical and traditional Chinese medicine treatment. He describes diagnostic and treatment techniques from his decade-long training with Chinese teacher Master Zhongxian Wu.

CT utilizes these effective methods in his busy, full-time medical practice to treat a variety of conditions including depression, PTSD, digestive issues, asthma, menstrual irregularities, and liver disease. Drumming is also a significant part of his practice.

The universe consists of various vibrations which can be transmitted through drumming. Indigenous cultures worldwide have found great healing power in the drum, utilizing it in numerous ways from personally connecting to the spirit realm to transforming disease. Chinese shamans have tapped into the drum’s transformative potential for thousands of years. Drumbeats enable trance-like states for shamans to connect with the spirit world and affect physiological change in themselves and in their patients. CT will demonstrate the rhythm of each spirit animal and explain how the beat can be used to treat disease patterns.

Several videos on locating and needling acupuncture points will be shown. CT will explain how these relate to the five spirit animals, how to diagnose disease patterns, and create acupuncture point prescriptions based on the five spirit animals. Case studies displaying patient photos of transformations will be included.


· Learn detailed symbolism associated with each of the five spirit animals.

· Understand and be able to apply diagnostic methods to identify spirit imbalances.

· Learn how to apply Chinese shamanic-based symbolism to acupuncture treatment.

· Learn how to apply a spirit-based intention to acupuncture point prescriptions.

· Understand how to use the drum to treat pathology.

· Learn the five-element drum rhythms.

· Learn how to create specific Chinese medicine drum treatments based on a patient’s disease pattern.

The course is 9.5 hours and has 9.5 CEU/PDA/CPD approved by NCCAOM and California.


Introduction to Chinese shamanism, the history of shamanism in Chinese medicine and how it applies to medical treatment.

Describe the symbolism of each of the five spirit animals.

Discuss diagnostic methods to identify spirit imbalances using the symbolism of the five spirit animals.

Explanations of the various spirits associated with the five animals (zhi, hun, shen, yi and po) and how they affect physiology.

Demonstrate the drumbeats associated with each of the five spirit animals and how to incorporate the rhythms in acupuncture treatment.

Provide the acupuncture locations and their connections to the spirit animals.

Explain descriptions of spirit-based locations and names of points and how to formulate point prescriptions. Demonstrate how to utilize the five spirit animals in treatments.

Show various videos explaining the location and needle technique of acupuncture points.

Provide case studies describing the use of the five spirit animals to diagnose disease patterns and formulate acupuncture prescriptions.

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