Harmonizing the Cosmos (4 CEUs Approved)


Harmonizing the Cosmos (4 CEUs Approved)


Harmonizing with the Cosmos: Applied Shamanism in Chinese Medicine.

Many of the original physicians in China were wu—shamans. They understood the nature of the universe and used this information to treat illness and teach people how to live in accordance with the universal flow.

In this dynamic, practical and grounded lecture, CT Holman explains how to incorporate Chinese shamanism in classical and traditional Chinese medicine treatment. He describes diagnostic and treatment techniques from his decade long training with Chinese shamanic teacher Master Zhongxian Wu. CT utilizes these effective methods in his busy, full-time medical practice to treat a variety of conditions including, depression, PTSD, digestive issues, asthma, menstrual irregularities and liver disease.

The course is 4 hours and has 4 CEU/PDA/CPD accepted by NCCAOM and California.

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The recorded class is a link on the PDF file you receive once you purchase and complete your order. The link is via a DropBox folder that contains the recorded class. We ask that you do not share this. Thank you.


For NCCAOM and/or California CEUs. Complete the Quiz and Evaluation found in the Dropbox folder and send them to office@redwoodspring.com.

All sales are final due to the immediate nature of the available download links.

Endorsement: There is an incredible amount of information that I will be able to incorporate into my practice but, in truth, the aspect of your work that has touched me most deeply is the way in which you merged the two traditions that have formed the foundation for both my work & my life. ..your willingness to share & pass on the culmination of your brilliant wisdom, at nearly 70 years old, I am seeing the ways in which a deeper and more unifying collaboration can, and is going to, occur. I am deeply indebted to you and your teachers and have profound gratitude for your presence on the planet at this time...and, as I've signed up for additional offerings. Diane P.