International Teaching Seminars

CT Holman teaching at the TCM Kongress in Rothenberg, Germany

CT Holman teaching at the TCM Kongress in Rothenberg, Germany

CT founded Redwood Spring Chinese Medicine Seminars and teaches internationally.  He speaks on various topics including: Treating Emotional Trauma, Applied Facial Diagnosis, Channel Palpation, Chinese Medicine Five Element Diagnosis, Macro-Cosmic Acupuncture Techniques, Shamanic Drumming, and Qigong.

To view CT’s events please click here.

CT presented at the TCM Kongress in Rothenburg 2015 and 2016, in addition to teaching in Copenhagen, Sydney, Mexico City, Stockholm, Aarhus, Coventry, Melbourne and several cities in the United States.  He is the Director of Development for Lotus Institute and is one of the facial diagnostic teachers.  He is an off-site supervisor for the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine for the masters and doctoral programs.

For institutions wishing to schedule seminars, please send a request to

CT also founded a Chinese Mentorship program that he teaches out of his clinic in Salem.  Please click here for more information. 

For graduate and doctoral students of Chinese Medicine, CT supervises interns at his clinic and for more information please contact him at

CT also offers private qigong classes and can be contacted at